Before you continue, please make sure you have claimed your agent profile. You may also want to review our FAQ on this topic.
Once you claim you agent profile, you can update and personalize your landing page with a photo, bio, testimonials. You may also links to your website, landing page and/or social media. Here are some help tips and guidelines.
Getting Started
- To blank out a field, enter XXX.
- Zip codes will set town & state location automatically. Start with Office zip code. That determines location of post.
- The zip code field generates the town and city names. If you are unable to come up with a suitable match, please let us know.
- After you save you information, you may need to refresh your agent page a few times in the browser to see your updated information.
Adding a Headshot & Bio
Adding your bio and a headshot can greatly enhance your profile. Here are some examples:
Kari Hayes – London Properties, Fresno, CA
Jennifer Stephens – Alexander Realty Inc, Saint Charles, MO
Julie Anglesey – Berkshire Hathaway HS Silverhawk Realty East Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID
Chase Heiland – Heart of Montana Realty, Borgeman, MT
Broker & Office Info.
- Edited Broker & Office info may not appear on your page while you have active listings.
- Broker & Office info can be edited permanently by your Office Admin.
Deleting Your Page
- In order to delete your information from our site, you need to first remove your listings from the feed which comes to A Greater Town.
- You cannot delete your profile if there are active listings displayed on the page.
- In most cases, it’s best NOT to delete your page if you have moved to a different broker. Update it to reflect your current information. This is best for SEO and reputation management.
If you need assistance, contact us here.